20,000 New Black Homeowners by 2030 in Washington D.C.
20,000 New Black Homeowners by 2030 in Washington D.C.

20,000 New Black Homeowners by 2030 in Washington D.C.

20,000 New Black Homeowners by 2030 in Washington D.C.

Mayor Muriel Bowser has launched the Black Homeownership Strike Force or BHSF in an effort to address home ownership disparities in Washington D.C.
In making today's announcement, Mayor Bowser said “This is about helping 20,000 Washingtonians buy homes, but it is also about helping 20,000 Washingtonians build generational wealth, stay in DC for generations to come, and benefit from the prosperity of Washington, DC.” (October 3, 2022)
With the cost of home ownership rising, the Black Homeownership Strike Force has set a goal of 20,000 new Black homeowners in Washington D.C. by 2030.
Over the summer of 2022, the Strike Force created a final report that outlined ten basic recommendations.
A summary of the recommendations:
1. Provide estate planning resources and legal services to help with the transfer of ownership to homeowners and heirs.
2. Pass legislation to protect homeowners from unwanted solicitation regarding the sale or possible purchase of their homes.
3. Develop a program to help Black homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure. The program would include technical assistance and training for condominium associations and HOA’s.
4. Help coordinate programs offering assistance with major home repairs.
5. Discourage the tear down of older stock housing to create higher priced housing unaffordable for the average homebuyer. Encourage and incentivize new construction and renovation of single family residential properties.
6. Washington D.C. should find ways to accelerate zoning and permitting for homeownership projects particularly affordable units.
7. The District should improve the current homeownership programs like DC Open Doors, Home Purchase Assistance and others.
The District has a number of homeownership programs which you can learn more about on the website, Front Door.
Learn more about the Black Homeownership Strike Force Plan on DC.gov
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20,000 New Black Homeowners by 2030 in Washington D.C.

Mayor Muriel Bowser has launched the Black Homeownership Strike Force or BHSF in an effort to address home ownership disparities in Washington D.C.
In making today's announcement, Mayor Bowser said “This is about helping 20,000 Washingtonians buy homes, but it is also about helping 20,000 Washingtonians build generational wealth, stay in DC for generations to come, and benefit from the prosperity of Washington, DC.” (October 3, 2022)
With the cost of home ownership rising, the Black Homeownership Strike Force has set a goal of 20,000 new Black homeowners in Washington D.C. by 2030.
Over the summer of 2022, the Strike Force created a final report that outlined ten basic recommendations.
A summary of the recommendations:
1. Provide estate planning resources and legal services to help with the transfer of ownership to homeowners and heirs.
2. Pass legislation to protect homeowners from unwanted solicitation regarding the sale or possible purchase of their homes.
3. Develop a program to help Black homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure. The program would include technical assistance and training for condominium associations and HOA’s.
4. Help coordinate programs offering assistance with major home repairs.
5. Discourage the tear down of older stock housing to create higher priced housing unaffordable for the average homebuyer. Encourage and incentivize new construction and renovation of single family residential properties.
6. Washington D.C. should find ways to accelerate zoning and permitting for homeownership projects particularly affordable units.
7. The District should improve the current homeownership programs like DC Open Doors, Home Purchase Assistance and others.
The District has a number of homeownership programs which you can learn more about on the website, Front Door.
Learn more about the Black Homeownership Strike Force Plan on DC.gov
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